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kintsugi workshop in US

Expérience forestière au Japon Urushi + Cours de Kintsugi traditionnel

Les places sont limitées. Reserve maintenant.

kintsugi supplies, tonoko, jinoko, urushi, japanese lacquer, kintsugi classes, kintsugi workshops

What is Kintsugi Clinic?

We are not offering psycho-therapy or life coaching. This is craft-focus kintsugi workshop. 


This clinic will focus on introducing and demonstration of material and tools of traditional kintsugi repair. Traditional kintsugi is a slow-craft that is impossible to complete hands-on practice within only few days. Typical repair takes at least 1 month to complete due to the curing time required. In this workshop, you will see the methods and formulas of various material, if you bring your own kintsugi tools, you can also follow the steps and practice together. 

If you bring your broken pottery (work-in-progress or yet-to-begin), we will review the repair game plan for each project in the clinic. 


Maki-e is the foundation of kintsugi craft.  Therefore we included a small project for you to experience basic maki-e lacquer craft using real maki-e brush, urushi and pure gold or silver.  This is something most kintsugi workshop will not teach as majority of instructors in the West may not have lacquer craft background.  You will bring home your own maki-e artwork (where you will have to allow the lacquer to continue curing at home for a week. )

US Kintsugi Clinic Workshop Content 

4-hour session

  • History of Japanese traditional kintsugi

  • Introduction to traditional kintsugi tools and material (from urushi lacquer to variety of lacquer-use brushes, to polishing metal finishes.)

  • Demonstration of mixing various urushi-base pastes for different types of repair.

  • Kintsugi clinic: participants to show own's pottery repair work-in-progress or "yet-to-begin" projects for group discussion on methods and techniques

  • Maki-e hands-on workshop (the foundation of kintsugi), using maki-e brush, red urushi, and gold/silver powder.

Read T&C to see what material and tools are included in the fee. 

kintsugi supplies, kintsugi brushes, kintsugi kit, kintsugi classes, kintsugi workshop, Japanese urushi lacquer


  • Beginner with no experience are welcome! (this is a craft-focus workshop, not related to wellness or therapy)

  • Learner who wants to trial and learn the actual material, tools and technique of authentic kintsugi practiced in Japan

  • Learner who has been scavenging information from internet and books and wants to build better foundation knowledge on traditional kintsugi practice. 

  • Learner who has practiced using super glue, chemicals and epoxy and desires to practice authentic traditional kintsugi using real urushi lacquer and all-natural materials. 

What to prepare & bring

Absolute beginner

(no prior experience)

Experienced Kintsugi Learners

  • wear work clothes with long sleeves

  • gloves & work apron

  • hand lotion 

  • reading glasses or loupes

  • broken pottery if you want to discuss the item kintsugi clinic session

  • MANDATORY: Select maki-e brush / urushi option when sign up (unless you already have maki-e brush)

  • wear work clothes with long sleeves

  • gloves & work apron

  • hand lotion 

  • reading glasses or loupes

  • your own kintsugi-use brushes (just bring your tool box!)

  • your repair projects (work-in-progress or yet-to-begin projects are OK)

  • OPTIONAL:  maki-e brush / urushi plan if you want to buy a maki-e brush 

When urushi gets onto your clothings, it is impossible to clean. So wear work clothes.  

We will provide latex or cotton gloves but best to prepare your own for best size-fitting.


What supplies are included (to bring home)?


  • 0.1g matte gold powder

  • 1g matte silver powder

  • one black lacquer plaque for Maki-e painting


Above plus 10g tube of red urushi & 1 small cat-hair maki-e brush

What do I need to bring?

Refer to section on WHAT TO BRING.

Please bring your maki-e brush or brushes you want to use. Or feel free to bring the tools that you have been using if you want to practice along the demo. 

Or Upgrade to the plan to get a new maki-e brush & red urushi.

Where will the workshop take place?

LA: Downtown Arts District OR Santa Monica. 

NY: Manhattan

Detail address will be emailed to individual who has successfully made reservation. 

Shall I be concerned about allergic reaction to urushi lacquer?

Yes.  That's why we give instructions on gloves, clothings and gear.  Report immediately if skin contact occurred so we can provide oil and alcohol for immediately cleansing.  There is no medicine to relief skin rash from urushi contact, which you will have to endure for a few weeks. 

Do you provide full kintsugi kit in the workshop?

No.  Please read "What supplies are included" section. If you would like to purchase kinstugi supplies or need help to put together a basic / beginner's kit for your hobby use, email us in advance and we can help curate a set for you.  Cut-off time for such request is Aug 10. 

Can I cancel after I make reservation?

Yes.  Please refer to Terms & Condition section. 

Why is the enrollment so limited?

We want to keep the group small to maintain quality discussion time and give sufficient individual attention.  However, we MAY be able to increase headcount for 1 or 2 extra person based on assessment. 

What's the difference between Group A & Group B?

Contents of workshop are the same.  Just different dates. 

gintsugi, repair pottery with silver

Read more about traditional kintsugi and tools.

Terms & Conditions

This workshop involves handling of Japanese urushi lacquer.  Its urushiol content in liquid state is known to cause allergic reaction (skin rash) when comes in contact with skin directly.  Please read and understand this raw material and decide if you should participate in this workshop. We will not be liable for any allergic condition caused from using Japanese lacquer. 

You agreed to wear protective gears (long sleeves, gloves, apron, and/or face mask) during workshop to minimize accidental skin, face, eyes contact with the material.  You agreed to sign a liability waiver prior to the beginning of the meeting at the venue. 

Tools used in workshop may include sharp objects or knives as part of the craft demonstration. Participants in the workshop will not be required to handle sharp objects or knives.  Use common sense and handle these items at your own risk. 


Cancel 9 days prior to workshop, 50% refund. 

Cancel 2 days prior to workshop, 20% refund. 

No show or cancel 24 hours prior, no refund. 


If the workshop is full, you will be placed on waitlist.  If any space becomes available, you will be notified and have 24 hours to decide before it offer to the next on the list.  Same cancellation policy applies to wait-list signups. 


Location will be notified by email after you successfully completed the course signup.  Location is tentative to be in downtown Los Angeles or Santa Monica vicinity.  Or Manhattan for the newly added NYC session.  Parking information is only for suggestions, and any parking fee will be your responsibility.  Parking availability is not guaranteed, so plan to arrive in advance to secure parking. We will not be liable for any incident relating to your vehicle and parking. 

WORKSHOP DURATION (Updated Aug 3, 2023)

We have revised the workshop flow to fit the same coursework into one 4-hour session.  This way, we can cut the tuition by half, making it more reasonably priced so more people can join. 

Please be considerate to the venue and arrive / wrap-up work promptly.  We do allow buffer time of about 15 mins before starting and finishing time.  


Please be considerate in maintaining the venue space and not cause any damage.

We will provide courtesy snacks and Green Tea.  No alcohol. No smoking. No littering.


The Base COURSE fee includes one black lacquered plaque for use in the maki-e project.  The +$50 UPGRADE will include 1 cat-hair maki-e brush and one 20g tube of red urushi. (Mandatory for those who could not bring their own brush).  Gold, Brass, Silver powder will be available for use in the class to do the Maki-e exercise. 


We will try to prepare additional  / extra material and tools (from Japan) for sale at the workshop for those who are interested.  While supplies last, and we may not have everything in stock on those days. The workshop (Maki-e exercise) only requires you to use maki-e brush and red-urushi. Decorative metal powder and urushi lacquer will be provided by us.  If you want to purchase additional material and tools from our shop, please notify us via email before Aug 11 to ensure we bring sufficient supplies from Japan to LA.  Here is a good starting point to understand kintsugi supplies if you are new to this craft. 

By signing up to participate the workshop, you agreed to these terms and conditions.  

Have Further Question?  Send us an email.

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